You guys need to learn aphelios

I’m seeing a lot of silver / gold players on this subreddit and I think an easy way out would be aphe. I play draven lucian zeri aphe ezreal kalista and jinx, and out of all these champs, the one I’m able to carry most consistently with a lead is aphelios. In terms of scaling, he’s the 2nd best adc after jinx, because she has safer dps options, but aside from that he has everything in his kit. Players aren’t good at playing against him. The amount of damage you can get from avoidable mistakes such as players walking into his green white turret is insane. His snowballing is ridiculous for a scaling champ (much stronger with a lead than jinx or zeri for example) because he spikes on 2 items instead of 3. His burst is the highest of any adc, which makes him the most viable immobile adc vs assasins ( past 3 items a zed can’t kill you faster than you kill him if you have quick hands). The only real downside is how much he suffers vs ap carry bot laners, but he stomps champions like kaisa vayne and lucian, because of how much easier his kit is to play into short range. Even kalista struggles into him if you play well on early levels. He is a “hard adc” but once you get his combos to muscle memory, I would say draven lucian and kalista are all harder. Jaxkspektra is probably the best aphe streamer/ player for educational stuff that helped me if you want to learn him.