Why do you think ADC's and/or crit items are specifically "weak" atm?

Every few days either here or on Twitter I see complaints about ADC's being uniquely weak as a class. Most of the times with no actual reasoning or arguments, basically pure vibes. So I'm curious, what are the specific reasons or point of frustration for you guy with the current state of ADCs? I remember that back in s11-12 where ADC's were arguably one of the best classes in the game with access to mythic Galeforce, Shieldbow and Kraken, that personally felt amazing to play with, but miserable to play against for many champs, a lot of people still were claiming that ADC's were weak. I agree that in the current state some sort of additional tankbusting passive should be put back on LDR, either Giant Slayer or some form of %max hp damage tho, but besides that specific issue I don't see how ADC's are specifically weak atm? You guys still have access to high dps from a safe distance, and even some of the worse ADC's like Vayne and Kai'Sa can snowball out of control in the right conditions, despite the state of items and current meta not being the best for them.

I geniuely want to hear your reasoning and arguments, not "I should be able to pick Jhin, get 2 items and oneshot the enemy Ornn regardless of what I build, but because that's impossible to do ADC's as a whole are literally unplayable" type of replies, please.