Yun tal, does it need a nerf?
I think we'll get fucked soon. Yun Tal is by far the best first item for crit users. Every crit adc is building Yun Tal. But we know that riot doesn’t want 1 item to be the only option. On the other side they can't buff other adc's first items: ADCs are not played in other roles (I think) because Yun Tal is not an instant power spike, you have to stack it first, and that's bad against classes who have their first item spike instantly. So, if riot wants to make the first item choise more diverse, they either buff other items, and that would make ADCs played in other roles, or nerf Yun Tal.
Edit: I agree that Yun Tal must not be nerfed since it's making ADCs satisfactory to play. But it can't be the only option. This item alone is carring the Crit sistem.