Why is Botlane so Addicted to fighting?
Hey, I'm a top/jungle main, and it's been a recurring issue in my games where a strong, grounded game state is turned increasingly volatile because the duo lane won't stop trying 2v5 the game.
Multiple times, I've had my botlane hover in the middle of the lane with no vision, no enemy's showing on the map, dragon spawning in 30 seconds, and then act surprised when four people shoe in their lane and get a double off them.
Hell, I've seen them coinflip lv 2 then int again once they reach back to lane.
Like, I understand if my botlane was a Draven, or a Jinx, or a Samira with pyke support, some combination of champions that needs to be ahead in order to function within their roles but instead I see them playing late game champions full running it.
It's gotten to the point where I don't even path botlane anymore because what's the point if they're going to conflict any lead I give them?