I’m lost atp
I (26M) have been seeing K (23 F) for a few months. We both wanted to take it slow after meeting online and clarified we’re strictly seeing each other. Everything was fine until a month ago. She stayed over then woke me up crying her eyes out with her bag packed. I asked what’s wrong she said she found a box filled with my ex’s belongings. I laughed explained to her it was a long relationship (5yrs), she had a lot of shit she couldn’t take, and 95% of my house is her design ideas. Apparently that pissed her off more and she left. Spun back hours later telling me conditions, same ones I’ve been going with anyways so I said cool. A week after that she wanted me to get rid of my ex’s cat (I love that bastard) in order to move on. Told her it’s the cat she left me since she won’t be able to take care of him since she’ll be busy on her masters. Therefore my cat now. Then complained about the rest of my cats being adopted while I was with her but those are my fucking cats😭. That died then last week she wants to have me do a whole proposal to say we’re dating. Which I get make it official but a whole proposal? Recently we upgraded to jealousy on autocorrect, I do like the girl, but I’m not trying to have a toxic ass relationship. I’m about to call it off but AIO