i (14m) am considering calling cps on my mother.

For the past few years, I've known my mother has been a nutjob. She is one of those "ingredient people" and "one with nature" people. I've never gotten a shot, or a vaccination in my life. Which in turn, means I've never gone to school. I've been "homeschooled" my whole life, but my mother has never actually done anything to homeschool me. She used to many years ago, but now she has me read a book for an hour a day, and calls that schoolwork. I have had crooked teeth all my life, yet she's never taken me to the dentist for braces because she is behind this insane belief that "my mouth will grow and it will all sort itself out". It hasn't sorted itself out in the past years she's said that.

My mother makes under 15,000 usd/year, and she gets 300/month from my father for child support. that 300 dollars goes to groceries (sometimes), her cigarettes, her marijuana, and her vodka. Up until about a few months ago, we did not have running water in our living space, which meant no toilet, no shower, and no sink. The only times I was able to shower were on weekends with my father. I've told a friend about this and he now says he will call cps if I don't, but I don't want to call cps, because I still love my mother.

I've never considered calling cps because I feel like that's overreacting.

I now ask you, the most powerful source of information in the world, reddit. Should I call cps on my mother?

If anyone has any questions, leave them in the comments, and I will try my darndest to reply.

(edit: I'd like to add, that my daily routine is wake up, play video games, go to bed, and my mother makes fun of me for it. I would love to go to school, but my mother wont allow it cause of the shots.)