AITA for not fulfilling my teacher's crazy expectations?
For context, I (18M) am a student at college. My teacher, let's call her Amia, is my teacher. For a science project we had to create our own scientific practical. I decided to create a practical to test if listening to different genres of music effect heart rate. I have undergone the experiment with 15 people and I've gotten really interesting data. However, my teacher believes I should have done this experiment with 100 people. I called her out on it, saying that I didn't even need that much data but she refused to hear me out. I recently got my practical marks back and I got a fail due to "inadequate amount of data." I have done research into this study beforehand, I have seen University level studies where they do this with only a handful of people, hell, even just one person, and she expects me to be able to ask 100 people to do this?! People in the college wouldn't want to undergo a practical like this, I have already asked plenty of people in my class and I can't even ask people at break or lunch as we only have so much time to eat and hang out with friends. The only way I'd be able to get 100 people for this is if I asked people at break and lunch, without even eating or spending time with my friends and getting back home by 8PM. It's ridiculous expectations in my opinion and its completely unnecessary to need that much data and that she wouldn't even hear me out and failed me for it, basically dooming my course is unacceptable in my opinion. AITA?