AITA For withdrawing my application to a very competitive college because I do not believe I am a good fit?

I (M18) am currently in the college application process in the United States. I applied to a school my dad went too which is a very competitive school with a very low acceptance rate for out of state students. The acceptance rate is under 5% for students not in state which is on par with Ivy leagues (I did not apply to any). The school is overall a really great school in general but requires SAT scores in order to get in, and you would need about 1550+ to even be considered. I have nowhere near that level of score on my test so I withdrew my application a long time ago. I accepted the fact I would not have gotten in, and have been accepted to a school almost on par with that prestige level. However, the school I withdrew from is a brand name school with a very good reputation, and my mother has been hearing a lot of stories of her friends and my other family members kids get in to these elite brand name colleges, and I think she feels left out because I have not been accepted to these schools. She found out yesterday that I withdrew my application and went ballistic. She is even threatening to call the university to have them re-open my application and I dont know how to explain what I have done is permenant. How do I explain to her that it is my life and I chose this path? Also, am I the asshole in the situation for not telling her because I know she would get angry at me?