Does anyone struggle with working out ?

(F, 22 60mg) Before taking accutane, I was in the gym 3-5 days a week depending on energy levels, and I was doing that consistently for about two years. I haven’t gone in over a month due to just feeling so incredibly exhausted 24/7 from side effects of fatigue and some dizziness. It also does not help that my joints also do hurt really badly, and I actually just started a job where I sit in a chair for 8 hours, which is not something I am used to. My body feels very stiff and locked, I’m dealing with lots of stress as well and the exhaustion is making me pretty depressed and unmotivated. I did start some stretching and light Pilates on the floor to help mobilize my joints and get my strength back, will probably also do acupuncture, but i definitely have lost a lot of muscle tone which really sucks and makes me feel really disappointed in myself. Any guidance on how to get back into a groove to feel better and not put on any extra weight, but also without overdoing it and running myself into the ground with the side effects im experiencing will be greatly appreciated!