Is it friendly or flirty?

So I, 25 F, work with a guy 24 M. I am new in the job and from the moment we met I felt intrigued because our personalities match and got on very well. Same humour and interests. We both have partners. My bf is the one and love of my life, and I’m very open about that, I don’t know much about his as they are very long distance. I didn’t even know he had one til recently. Because of our jobs we don’t work together all the time so we don’t see each other often but he added me on Instagram to ask about some travel advice so we’ve talked a fair bit but always with a specific reason. I didn’t see him for ages and then we saw passing by at work and he gave me big hug and was excited to chat but didn’t last long. Then last night we had a work party. It seemed like he came right up to me to hug and chat. He immediately asked where my bf was and I explained he couldn’t come to the event. Throughout the night we had a few long convos but kept dispersing and what not, until we got progressively more drunk and we sought of latched onto each other. Whenever we talked to someone else and they said something interesting we looked at each other, we danced with other people but it felt like we were paired up together at that point. I forgot my bag and he went with me to get it, he walked with me everywhere really. All of this didn’t feel weird, it just felt normal because we got along so well I figured he felt the same and enjoyed the company. Then we left the venue and walking around together in and out of the work cluster group and we were deciding the next move and he said he was going home. It’s just us at this point and said he would take me home in his uber but it was opposite ways so I just said I can get my own. Then we said goodbye but it was like he didn’t want to say goodbye yet or something idk. He purposely forgot his first uber to keep chatting and seemed almost disappointed of my leaving. But I wasn’t gonna spend an extra hour journey in an uber together just to hang out lol. I’ve woken up and now I’m thinking he possibly could have tried something if we were in uber together. He was quite drunk. Obviously I wouldn’t fall for it but I don’t really want this to be true because I really enjoy our friendship and was hoping we could hang out more with partners included. But I don’t want to put myself in position of disrespecting my bf. Sorry it’s long, would appreciated some insights and perspectives of outsiders :)) Is it innocent? OR Should I distance myself? TIA