My ex intentionally spelled my name wrong??
I've reached out to my ex once again. Last night, I reached out to him on a burner and ranted my feelings. We texted for like 3 hrs back and forth a bit. I ranted about being unable to move on and growing and kept playing it off like it wasn't me till he said "this is -my name- ain't it." But he spelled my name wrong?! My name on his contacts was saved correctly before so did he just do that to make me mad or he forgot how to.?? I played it off like who again? Then he said oh sorry the story is very similar to something I know. I know I seem like the crazy one here cause I'm reaching out to him this way. But this is my first heartbreak, I am giving myself grace that I still crave him so bad despite everything 😭. I just want to know what's his game with spelling my name wrong after he let me vent for hrs? Does he know it's me?