AIO with my situation?

Is it true female friends catch feelings overtime when the spend a lot of time with a guy? I’m friends with this female and we spend a lot of time together. We FaceTime almost everyday and have been for a year. I like her a lil bit but not enough to be in a relationship inconveniently and I see her being in a long term relationships with me.but me and her are not ready for a relationship with her because for myself I’m need to achevie my own stuff first like school and have an evolvement. It have asked her if I was ready for a relationship would you take me serious I remember she would say yes and she would see how I move. I also flirted with her here and there and most of the time she would jokingly play along sometimes she just brushes it off. My concern is am I fuckin up or should I just go with the flow with what I have going on with her? Like I said whenever I’m ready for a relationship she would be the woman I would go to. But my question is y’all think she would want to be in a relationship with me I’m the future? She would even buy me shoes I liked