AITA for telling my mother that I'm not longer willing to support her in her challenge, and deciding to take on my own expenses?
So I (M19) have been living with my mother (M38) my whole life. We've had a rocky relationship same as most other parents and their children do. But one thing that has always been a problem is that whenever I've been sick or injured, she straight up refuses to believe or allow any kind of sympathy AT ALL. She says this is apparently due to me lying about being sick (Which I used to do as a small child, like up until thirteen because I used to get bullied at school). I truly believe that every time I've claimed to be sick, that I have actually had decently good reason to do so. I'll provide some examples of what I'm talking about.
So I have a permanently deformed hand due to accidentally slashing it with a box cutter last year while opening a package. It ended up severing my flexor tendon leading to a year of physical therapy and now two operations. When the injury occured she maintained th stance that I was being a sook and needed to get over it. According to doctors, the physical activity has a risk to retract a severed tendon. My plastic surgeon also confirmed that in my case. I told her countless times that it hurt to do work and I could tell something was off but she didn't listen, that lead to my tendon retracting all the way up my carpel tunnel, and causing a complication in my surgery. I feel this is a mindset problem which MUST be reworked or it will cause damage again.
Today I woke up with body shakes and gastro, which is mild in comparison but it was the same attitude and treatment. She even told me to man up and stop being a sook about it.
Now I've told her I will no longer support HER when she's sick, as she has no sense of care for me in my situation. This upset her, and she essentially leveraged the fact that she pays my bills as I'm struggling to find work. Now I've told her I will be fully independent, and no longer willing to support her in her struggles.