Anime NYC 2023 Ticket Exchange Thread

Welcome to the 2023 Anime NYC ticket exchange! Badges have started shipping, though keep in mind it is still early in the process as this post goes up.


If you're looking to buy/sell/trade tickets for Anime NYC, after parties, screenings, etc, this is the spot!


Be clear if you are BUYING, SELLING or TRADING, and what kind of ticket you have/you're looking for (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 3-day, ANYC+, after party, screening, etc)


Update your posts after you make a deal.


Please keep all your ticket exchange needs here, my poorly programed automod will be deleting threads along with me (again, sorry to all that got and will get automoded incorrectly, like I said it's poorly programmed).


Scammers have been a problem in the past so please be careful. If something seems suspicious you should probably avoid the transaction. Keep in mind:

  • Tickets to get into Anime NYC are physical plastic badges. If you are looking for a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 3-day ticket, or ANYC+, it is a physical badge.

  • If someone is trying to sell you a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 3-day, or ANYC+ e-ticket, it is a scam.

  • There is no electronic transfer of badges. Transferring a badge is physically giving someone the physical badge.

  • Sellers should be able to provide an picture of badges in hand, ask for proof someone has a badge.


Anime NYC has an official badge exchange, information here: Yes, the prices are marked up, but it is also guaranteed to be a legitimate badge.


Original Pricing for 2023 Badges


3-DAY $129