Helicopters are worse than arsenals
Please bohemia , i know you have implemented a possible solution to arsenals supply drain. I have a bigger issue regarding the helicopter waste / spam. Today I haven't had a game where USA won because of people constantly spawning and wasting helicopters.
im talking like 14+ helicopters in the air with almost 3 actually being competent and the rest asking where they were on the map / crashing and respawning. Not only does it just absolutely chew through resources but all these "pilots" contribute little to nothing off rollout opting to speedrun there way to sargeant by doing supply runs to the closest possible base instead of helping capture vital early points.
Please add some sort of Team based limit or induvidal based timer so people cant throw 1300+ supplies down the drain and then complain when costal base "insert any" has 0 supplies and no longer can be defended.
This makes me concerned over the arrival of 1.3 Cas variants which I imagine are going to be even more logisitcs loading.
any other servers having issues with Helicopters being spammed ?