Glad to see I'm not the only one planning.

Following up after seeing a post from u/drinkallthepunch.

Kinda gave me a shove to share stuff I've been doing. I found an app that is an interactive map that you can draw/plan/range various situations on. Similar to his post, I've also made overlays on this app for progression through the map that works for me and my friends per MOB deployments we've had in game.

The one I'm sharing is purely the overlays I use for when I wanna play lazy solo and just shoot down helicopters or do roadside ambushing.

I've used it to save high success sites for overwatch of helicopter LZs or good chokepoints for mines or ambushing. With that I've saved an overlay for RPG ranges from whatever site I'm occupying.

It's a helpful tool as a map as well that I keep open on my second monitor so I don't need to keep pulling the map up in game for routes or anything like that.

You can save multiple overlays for different things (I have 24 so far for routes, sniping ranges, RPG Sites, and frequent positions I've noticed enemies sniping from or routes they take to approach objectives) and turn them off and on as you wish.

You can also invite friends to the groups for overlays so they can share what they find works for them to compile it for the whole group to see.

I'm sure it's a little over the top and unnecessary, but range cards were our shit when I was in Afghanistan and it just feels like second nature to me.

I understand the in game map has a marking system but a couple of my buddies play on console, so to streamline it for the whole group we use the app so we can save the overlays between games.