My friends(18F and 17M) thinks that the fault lies with the rape victims.

We have an exam tomorrow so a group of 4 friends and were group studying, now one of the friend came to know about Junko Furata( ) rape case through an anime youtuber's video, when we took a break he started talking about it, all the other friends (18F, 18M) and me thinks that the fault lies with the rapists and its truly a gruesome story but these two thinks that the fault lies with the victim.

We three took a stand and said how is that possible, the culprits raped her multiple times and also murdered her after torturing her for 1.5 months, truly a gruesome story, she was only 17. Their reasoning:

Male friend: She was out of the house at a inappropriate time of the day.

Female friend: she wore something inappropriate.

Both of the things are false, she was returning from her part time job, she wore a normal attire.

My opinion on the matter is that even if the victim was out of the house at 12 am and naked even then the fault lies with culprit, no way in hell it lies with the rape victim.

Even though they both are wrong I am more shocked that her, being a girl herself thinks that the fault lies with the victim and not the culprit.

I am not their friend anymore, I can't believe that they think that this is a correct opinion.

How can SHE and HE both think like that? Is it because of internet and social media or what?