Is this overthinking or actually creepy?
Posting on both /Askteengirls and /Askteenboys
I was walking outside my house to go play basketball on the street, and a car was very very, very slowly driving on my street, now it’s not unusual because my street is U-shaped so you got kind of slow your car to drive by the turn, but like these people are going very very slow. To not look awkward I just sit on the curb and just try to pick music for my AirPods as I play, but like these people were driving very slow so at that point, I was just scrolling on Instagram. They finally get to where I really am and the car even gets slower as they roll down the window and start making a weird noise almost hollering at me. It seemed to be teenage girls. (It seemed like a girl that is at my bus stop’s mom’s car but it’s just a black car so it could really be anybody)I didn’t really look because I was trying to seem as if I was ignoring them or didn’t notice them. They got to the end of the street and it’s a curve (not the same curve as before) so there really isn’t no stop or stop sign in general and usually maybe you stop because there’s a big bush blocking your view so you can’t really see a car coming the other way but they were sitting at that stop for maybe 20 to 30 seconds and in that time it looks like they were pointing a phone out the window or something possibly recording?. It was just so weird and yeah sure it could just seem like a joke, but that was just weird almost creepy.