I heard two words whilst attempting to AP.

Hello everybody, this is my first time posting, I’ve been following this community now for quite sometime however. I’m interested to know if anybody has got any insight with regard to two words I heard whilst in a relaxed state last night.

As I always do every night, I had gone to bed and was doing my breathing technique in the hope to induce an Astral Projection experience. Usually it does not take me very long before I’m quite relaxed and I’m seeing the hypnogogic images.

I was focusing on my breath, when I heard two words “Holy Spirit”. There is absolutely no doubt as to what I heard, the words were very clear, quite loud and in my own voice (but I did not say them). In fact, this was so significant I exited my relaxed state, grabbed my phone and recorded the experience into my voice memos App. (This is what I use to record my sleep experiences, then I write them up later)

During the relaxed state I will often see random images and hear sounds, but nothing like this, this was different. These two words do not appear random, as is often the case with hypnogogia.

By the way, I am not religious in anyway.

I would appreciate anybody’s thoughts.

Many thanks.