Holy..I just Astral Projected for like 2 weeks!!
I have been doing a lot of OBE the past year, like a LOT. Anyway when I leave my body it tends to be a very short trip. Like I'll be in the Astral if I'm lucky for like 5 minutes, maybe 10 max?
And then bam even if don't want to I'm usually thrown back into my body. It can be frustrating as it always feels very unstable out there in the astral.
ANYWAY fast forward to this morning. I laid down to do a quick OBE session. Meditated, exited my body by rolling out. Floated through to the void.
Usually when I Astral project I will actively control where I go, what I'm doing etc. For once I decided to "go with the flow" I just floated with zero expectation and let it take me wherever it wanted, like floating in a stream.
I ended up basically in a construct similar to the grecian underworld, it was beautiful and I enjoyed exploring it for ages, like I actively couldn't believe how long I'd been there, eventually when I decided it was time to leave I couldn't leave! All the usual tricks I use to get back to my body did not work.
I was stuck. And I panicked for hours trying to find a way out, but there was like this energetic barrier around everything. I literally was in this place for weeks! Like obviously time is relative out there and completely different from here..but still.
I could NOT believe how long I was Astral projecting for, I spent entire days wandering around the underworld doing things, like bathing in underground rivers.
I even made friends with other people who were also stuck in this construct. I ate a pomegranate there! There were pomegranate trees everywhere. I couldn't believe how lifelike it tasted. While this was going on I was literally wondering if my real life body had died.
I thought maybe I'd suffered cardiac arrest during the AP and now I was stuck?
There was this one "entity" there who kept repeatedly telling me I could not leave. This figure was massive! Like easily 8 foot tall. It almost seemed like they were in charge of that construct.
I started to actually despair that I was stuck in this place forever and that I'd never "exist" again. This went on SO long that I actively started to forget I ever was alive, it was like I was experiencing ego death.
The chap I'd made friends with the messenger told me I needed to stop swimming around in the river every day as it actively makes souls forget.
I told him I had someone I really cared about back in my reality and that I desperately wanted to get back to him. He told me he'd help me to leave but that he could get in trouble with it. He said I needed to eat sorghum and the berries that grow on the wintergreen plant?
I told him I had NO idea what a sorghum was or what a wintergreen was (beyond a flavored mint) he said it was a plant that grows even in snow and was the opposite to the pomegranate spiritually.
Anyway we went walking down by the river and kept passing all these lost souls. (Adding post info here as I recollect it. I specifically remember asking him if we could save the other people here too, he told me it was too late for them as they had been there so long they forgot who they were and so could not return to their physical body even if they wanted to, and that if I stayed much longer the same would happen to me) Eventually we found one growing, and it had red berries on it. There was only 5 on the plant but I ate them all. Anyway I told him how kind he'd been to me the whole time when everyone else there was awful, and he embraced me and we ended up er...let's say merging souls.
(it was beautiful and it just kind of happened and I was super greatful to him 💗)
Guy took me to a tree and laid me down under it. He told me I had to Astral Project now to LEAVE that place. It was so surreal. I was literally sitting there in the Astral Plane having to Astral project from there?
So I meditated like I do here and sure enough I left my Astral body! Immediately once I had left that "other" body I shot back into my own!
I'd been in that place for at least what felt like 2 weeks, possibly more?
When I woke up it was pitch dark, I'd been unconscious for nearly 24 hours during active OBE!
Freaking wild. I was starving and immediately ate a ton of food and then wrote this all down so I'd didn't forget anything.
Has anyone else experienced an AP like this?? Like where you are gone for a long time or cannot leave without assistance??