Day 8 of the bet with my roommate
Sorry for not posting yesterday! I was out of town so I didn’t have time to make a post. Still, I made sure to listen in the morning and at night. I’ll consider also making a day 9 update tonight. This update for day 8 is covering my two sessions yesterday.
Also, I talked with my roommate this morning and he agreed that I only need to do 6-5 (5 technically) more days of the files before the bet is over.
And I’ve also had a lot of suggestions to change my uniform. I don’t really feel like buying more feminine clothes since that feels like a massive step for me but I do want to go deeper. Do you guys think it would be worth it to buy something like a skirt? I think that would be a little strange for me, but if it’ll make me go deeper I might consider. Still, not sure if it’s that important.
Anyways, on to the report for today. I listened to the 5 new original files that just came out recently again yesterday in the morning and at night. They brought me really deep again and I experienced mostly the exact same sensations. What’s crazy is that again, on the second to last file I do not remember a single thing after popping the bubbles. It’s absolutely insane to me that my memory can be that affected. Is it healthy to have memory be impacted to that level? For whatever reason, that one area is one I always forget and forget completely.
I also listened to the blank mindless doll and cock dumb hole again. And yesterday (day 8) I added uniform slut puppet and vain happy horny.
I’ll try to keep this post mostly shorter than the last few since I’m pretty busy today, but I’ll cover the new files.
Before I do that though I do want to cover the cock dumb hole file, which wasn’t very effective for me on day 7 but for whatever reason actually worked really well on day 8. The difference one day can make for the effectiveness of some of these files is kind of crazy haha. On day 8, I made a bit of a breakthrough when it came to being able to actually imagine myself as a girl and with the body the files describe. I was able to fully imagine myself in the first person perspective as a girl with massive tits, massive soft lips, and wide hips (not trying to make a loose rhyme but that’s how the files describe it lol). The repetition on this file was very strong and the background noise of girls giggling and sounding like they were being pleased definitely put me in a horny mindspace. Also, the high pitched background voice for some reason turned me on, and I felt nice every time the background voice said “gooood.”
As for one of the files I tried out for the first time on day 8, uniform slut puppet ramps up the intensity yet again, continuing the body imagery from the file before but goes heavy into cock sucking imagery. One interesting thing I’ve noticed from my discussions with others and through personal experience is that when the files started, the idea or even the act of imagining a cock was disgusting for me, but the files have made me imagine them so much and so often that I’ve become desensitized to the mental image of cock and even the word. I kind of avoided the word whenever I could up until about day 7, and now there’s not much resistant or pushback from my mind when imagining or saying it. It definitely doesn’t turn me on, but cock is just a neutral figure and word for me now. It’s not actively gross for me, which I think it’s just desensitization through overexposure. Imagining myself as a girl in a girls body was pretty attractive on day 8, probably mostly because women’s bodies are just beautiful and to imagine one with big tits and hips is extremely attractive. So the files have had me pretty horny recently through that imagery. I also feel like the constant focus with the files on clothing and style has made me think more about my own fashion from day to day, which is something small but one I thought should be mentioned. The sound of cock getting sucked during the end of this file had me really, really horny, along with the repetition of the triggers in the background. Blowjobs are always hot, so the idea is always great, especially when you get to hear the sound. Imagining myself being in the girl’s body sucking the cock is still a bit strange. The cock is neutral in my mind but the act of sucking it, even mentally, still is a bit hard for me.
For vain happy horny, another new file for me on day 8, I thought it continued off the one before well. This file and some of the other ones does start to talk about IQ stuff or just intelligence, and that does scare me a little given that people say changes don’t take long to start. The satin doll imagery was very interesting and effective as well. Imagining myself as a gagged doll was interesting. I don’t know how the creator came up with some of these ideas but they are effective. It did feel pretty relaxing to blindfold, gag, immobilize, and deafen myself in the form of a doll. This made me feel isolated from the world snd safely contained within the files. This also helped me really get into the mindset of Bambi and to think like how she is supposed to think. It made me feel separated from myself but also relaxed as if the doll was still partially me, cut off from the stresses of the outside world. But this file did change my perspective a bit.
Overall I felt less relaxed and more horny on these listens during day 8, which is a big change from the usual being slightly horny but mostly just deeply relaxed. Is this a normal shift to eventually happen or should I try to find a way to keep relaxation at the forefront?