Need some advice

Ok so I’ve been dealing with bed bug bites for a few weeks now, I’ve been looking for them almost every day but found nothing until a few days ago when I found 2 nymphs on my bed sheets. That’s when I threw out my pillows, sheets and blanket. I cleaned the room and got a bedbug proof mattress cover. My bed has a stand thing with boards I’ve been putting rubbing alcohol in the corners. I found one very plump 5ish mm bed bug, the first adult I found the other day and I’m keeping it in a bottle just because lol it died. I bought diatomaceous earth food grade from Harris, includes the duster. Before I use it tho I want to mention that I live with my family members in my apartment and their room is literally right beside mine. How can I ensure that the bed bugs won’t go there, to my knowledge there hasn’t been any activity outside of my room. I’m worried that the DE might push them out of my room. I also had an idea of putting DE in bowls under the legs of my bed or maybe in a line infront of my door so they’d get killed eventually if they leave, are these ideas good? Would the leg idea push them out of my room? I know I’m only supposed to use a little bit so would the line in front of the door even be effective? Please let me know I’m probably going to put the DE tomorrow as it’s late and I want it to settle before I sleep in it.