i suck. i dont know what im doing wrong.

Im bronze 4 right now. I go on win streaks and end up mid bronze 3 then proceed to go on loss streaks and end in bronze 4 again.

every game i lose i know im doing something wrong but i cant figure out what. It's so frustrating starting off almost every game with a huge lead and continually throwing that lead. I try to go into replays and identify what i do wrong, and i can understand what i did wrong that leads me to dying (usually i flash aggressively and end up inting) but i dont understand what im doing from a macro point that is ending up with me losing constantly when ahead.

Am I not challenging drakes as much as i should? I usually give first few in favor of other things on the map. Am i just mechanically playing bad or playing the early game super poorly? Bad calls? Obviously im doing MANY things wrong in my games and i just dont understand why. It's really hopeless. When i loss streak i dont feel like i am tilting. i just feel so hopeless. i love this game but i fucking suck and dont feel like im getting better. ive played this game for years and am level 375 yet am somehow th bottom of the barrel.

edit i forgot o include my opgg https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/im%20griffith-NA1?queue_type=SOLORANKED