Nothing seems to work to decrease inflammation on my eyelids, any suggestions?

So it all started with a stye on my right upper eyelid a year ago (Feb 2023), which then turned into a chalazion and decided to stay there for months. I didn't have an inflammation issue back then and slowly but surely, with daily warm compresses, chalazion got smaller and smaller and disappeared completely after spending a full year and a month on my right eyelid. (Mar 2024)

I kid you not, just two days after it completely disappeared, I got another stye, this time on the left upper eyelid. So disturbing.

Then I started using wipes & manuka honey gel daily. (in addition to warm compresses) While it helped with the stye, (It's not that visible now but there is still a noticable bump) I couldn't get rid of the inflammation. Since I added wipes and honey gel into my routine, which was a week ago, I noticed my other eyelid turned a little bit red as well. It almost feels like my eyelids are reacting to wipes and honey gel and now I'm not sure if I should stop or this is just a temporary flare up before it'll be back to normal.

I used to (and still do sometimes) use a foaming tea tree oil cleanser on my eyelids which caused no issues since I wasn't applying much pressure while using them but I feel like with wipes, although it feels like they clean the base of my eyelashes much better, I had to apply a lot more pressure so I suspect the pressure might have caused some irritation. It could also be a reaction to honey gel, which stings like hell for 30 seconds or so but I'm not sure.

It's been like 4 months since my last doctor appt. At the time the doc said my eyes were healthy, there were no signs of demodex or a serious meibomian gland dysfunction and the chalazion will disappear on its own if I keep it clean and continue doing warm compresses. It was exactly the case 3 months later but now I have this redness that I can't get rid of. I'd love to hear your "I got rid of the redness and inflammation with this and that" stories or a product you can recommend. 🙏