Buzz, the Light warrior

250 hp, 25% defense Attacks: 3 hit melee combo (15 damage each). Can be blocked/parried Laser-fires a laser that deals 4 damage each tick (0.2 sec) for 5 seconds, 10 second cooldown. Can be blocked Ultimate abillity: rainbow of death. Fires down the lane a massive rainbow beam, that deals 100 damage, and oneshots shadow creatures. Can be partially blocked

250 hp, 25% defense Attacks: 3 hit melee combo (15 damage each). Can be blocked/parried Laser-fires a laser that deals 4 damage each tick (0.2 sec) for 5 seconds, 10 second cooldown. Can be blocked Ultimate abillity: rainbow of death. Fires down the lane a massive rainbow beam, that deals 100 damage, and oneshots shadow creatures. Can be partially blocked