My complaints about the ranked rework

Players will get reset 6 minor ranks per month, this means someone at ''Pro'' rank will go all the way down to Legendary 1. (Assuming its a -6 minor ranks reset and not a flat -3000 elo reset)

Since Masters start at 9750 and Pro starts at 12750, this means players will get reset from 12750 all the way down to 7500, every single month.

Resetting ranks this often (every month) will result in very good players mixing with other players, reducing the quality of matches.


Rank boost (even if reduced) means you can still get up to Legendary 1 every season with a sub-%50 WR, this will result in lower skilled players climbing easily.

The blog post also mentions elo gain increase until Legendary 1, this means it will be even easier to get Legendary from now on, and im guessing supercell aims to make Legendary 1 the floor before the matches get harder, very similar to how the 1000 trophy mark on a brawler is the point.

This is the incorrect way of doing a ranked system, beacuse players will get Legendary 1 and will plateau there beacuse the elo losses will get harsher, the ranked system needs to be more like a bell curve. The way to do it is to form a natural curve of players in each rank, you just need a elo system that gives and takes the same amount of elo per win/loss, but if you put arbitrary systems like ''you lose %20 more points in legendary and above (example)'' it will not be a natural curve and players will plateau in certain ranks. This is similar to no deranking being a thing.

This was also one of the problems of ranked, having arbitrary low gains and high losses in the higher ranks to ''make it harder'', but the real solution is not having inflated gains in the lower ranks, so that the higher ranks will be lesser populated, so you can have your +100/-100 elo change on win/loss, which is how it should be.

-Current and new systems have:

| Too often of a ranked reset, highly inflated elo in the lower ranks and arbitrary systems to lose more elo than you win to compensate in the higher ranks

-How it should be:

| Ranked reset should be way less, especially if you are gonna do it every month. Maybe reset players only -1500 elo, but to do this you need to reduce rank inflation, which means it will be harder to climb out of the lower ranks.

| You should lose the same amount of elo as you win, regardless of your rank (if ranks of both teams are equal).

This will make it so there is no need to put things like ''More elo loss in x rank, way more elo loss in the highest rank''. This was the system in power league, and supercell avoids it now like the plague beacuse they don't want to casuals to become disinterested. But this results in lower skilled players in higher ranks and theres no good way to tackle this if you are really keen on keeping the lower ranks very easy to climb out of.