Guys/dudes/males don't hesitate to write to LM (if you want to!)

Hey guys

Maybe I'm wrong, it's just I've seen a few comments online and males in my own circle saying things such as, 'I was going to...but...why bother? He’s probably getting tons of letters already' or 'He has enough support from the ladies'. It made me realise that there are probably so many other guys out there thinking the same thing, contemplating whether their support will even make a difference. And I get the feeling that more males should/could write to LM.

Based on the comments on Reddit, TikTok, and in news articles, it's clear there's a lot of support from them. But lets consider how powerful it would be to show support in a way that really reflects all kinds of backing!

Right now, we’re seeing a lot of messages of support coming from the female demographic, and that’s absolutely fine, there’s no problem with that at all. But there’s something special about a 'brother' reaching out to another 'brother'. Sometimes, it’s important to show solidarity from a place that represents different experiences, different perspectives.

Prison is isolating, and it’s easy to forget that guys can feel just as emotionally vulnerable as anyone else. A letter from another man offering a few words of encouragement or empathy could mean more than you realise.

Yes, I know he’s said to be receiving loads of letters, but I’m certain yours will get through eventually and it will make a difference. Whether it's about reminding LM he's in your thoughts or if you may be able to offer a perspective or experience that resonates with LM in a way others can’t. Your letter will help create a balanced, varied show of support!

Plus, it doesn’t have to be pages long – a few words of encouragement go a long way. (If you’ve seen his letter replies, you know sometimes he’s a man of few words too!)

Having letters from all walks of life will remind him that no matter where we come from, there are people who’ve got his back. It’s all about creating a sense of brotherhood and showing that we stand up for each other, no matter the circumstances!

If you're on the fence, and hesitating – DO IT! It’s not about how many letters LM is getting; it’s about the impact each letter can have. Be part of that change!

Brotherhood ✊️