Im leaving
Wow so this is gonna be very random. But im leaving. And by leaving i mean that I will be completly inactive from reddit. Tho I wont delete this account bc it holds many memories to me. I will also leave the discord server.
I dont really want to go into detail as of why im leaving, lets just say that its bc of personal issues. I probably wont go inactive right after I post this but most likely later today.
I originally thought that I would post this when I was done with the voting game im currently posting here in this sub. But I choose to do this now instead, meaning that I will leave it unfinished.
And for those that have participated in ny post, always been nice to me, and supported me (wich is basically this whole sub <3), thank you. This whole thing of getting to post here and meeting new people has really been an amazing expiernce. Thank you all so much <3
If any of you actually want to take it in your own hands and continue the voting game im currently posting, you have all the promission to. ill stop yapping now and not make this post so long. But I really wanted to explain it the best i could. Bye.