SOS Cat won't stop peeing on anything fabric.

This is kind of an update to a post I made a month ago. I have a female cat (spayed 2 year old), from day one when she was a kitten she had peed on my bed. She has no UTI, diabetes, or any health issues that would make her do this. I live in an apartment with vinyl flooring so she doesn't have a chance to pee on carpet. But I CANNOT own a couch or even let her in my room because she WILL pee on it and my bed. I can't even lay down rugs or a cat bed, hell I couldn't even have a rocking chair because she peed on the fabric. I have tried 5 DIFFERENT CAT LITTERS and I've cleaned them after every use but it doesn't help. I use a deep enzyme cleaner, I don't have a stressful household, I have one other cat who she gets along great with and a dog she ignores. The problems have been going on since before I had the other two animals. I'm at a loss. I want a couch, cute rugs, and to cuddle her in my bed but she will pee on it all. (Yes I watched that one cat doctor on YT and tried taking his advice but it still hasn't worked.)