NMIMS 2nd Stage Experience

January 30th, 8:00am, NMIMS Mumbai

Profile: NMAT 225 | 9/8/7 | 24 months work ex

This day was full of surprises for me. Some good some bad.

Starting with as soon as you reach, you’re supposed to go to the VIP lounge, as they mentioned in the video.

I reached in at 7:40, and the first surprise was, the room was already full. I was anticipating 50-60 people in my slot, but it was exactly double of that. 100-120 people in one slot. 4 slots in a day, which means about 500 people in a day. Goes on for about a mont, which means about 15-16k people for this whole thing.

Moving forward, you’ll submit your bags and phones. You don’t really need anything another than your call letter, your id, and a pen. You can keep your wallets tho.

Then, you’re given a group. There are about 10 people in a group, but with my slot I could see half of them were no shows. Which means they were anticipating about 200 people in a slot.

Then, you’re made to sit in the auditorium, they verify your id everything, then they take you to the lab in groups.

Now comes the main, Competency Test, my dear NMIMS Management, what is the point of taking two aptitude tests? Competency test I personally felt was nothing more than that. Verbal ability had para summary, para completion, inference based question and an RC. Mental ability had an arrangement set, a few critical reasoning. Managerial Ability is what looked like DM, but a little finance heavy. Overall difficultly level is easy to moderate. Some of the questions were jokes, like the RC and the arrangement set was an absolute joke, but some other questions were tricky. 45 mins end up really quickly tho.

Then they take you for the PI in groups again, where your group is taken to a cabin, where a laptop and a person from the panel is sitting. They are listening to everything you say, and are monitoring if everything is being recorded.

The PI part, was again a surprise because I was not expecting it to be this advanced. They have your profile ready w the system and the first question is already asked as soon as another person (who’s accommodating you from the CT to the PI) logs you in. Even the mic is on by default. I fumbled a bit cause I took some time to register this technology in front of me. Another very advanced thing was, how the AI was asking follow up questions to whatever you were saying. For example, I spoke about my dad’s business a bit. And it asked me about how inflation has impacted it and how e-commerce has impacted it. Basically made situation out of everything you were saying. Then it changed trajectory and asked me about India’s performance in the recent world test championship. Really? I rambled on over there. One more thing, was how strong the mic was. It’s catching everything you’re saying very accurately. Even the umms, ands, uhhhs. So initially as soon as you start talking, you can see it typing in the text box, then you can take a few seconds to read and edit it. And then you’re supposed to submit the answer.

The AI bit is for 12 mins. Mine stopped while I was talking and post that the panel person sitting w you in the cabin is going to ask some follow up and additional questions as well. Not too stressful.

The entire process got done in about 3 hours. My tip would be to not have any expectations w the process. Take it easy and have fun and enjoy the swanky building.

January 30th, 8:00am, NMIMS Mumbai

Profile: NMAT 225 | 9/8/7 | 24 months work ex

This day was full of surprises for me. Some good some bad.

Starting with as soon as you reach, you’re supposed to go to the VIP lounge, as they mentioned in the video.

I reached in at 7:40, and the first surprise was, the room was already full. I was anticipating 50-60 people in my slot, but it was exactly double of that. 100-120 people in one slot. 4 slots in a day, which means about 500 people in a day. Goes on for about a mont, which means about 15-16k people for this whole thing.

Moving forward, you’ll submit your bags and phones. You don’t really need anything another than your call letter, your id, and a pen. You can keep your wallets tho.

Then, you’re given a group. There are about 10 people in a group, but with my slot I could see half of them were no shows. Which means they were anticipating about 200 people in a slot.

Then, you’re made to sit in the auditorium, they verify your id everything, then they take you to the lab in groups.

Now comes the main, Competency Test, my dear NMIMS Management, what is the point of taking two aptitude tests? Competency test I personally felt was nothing more than that. Verbal ability had para summary, para completion, inference based question and an RC. Mental ability had an arrangement set, a few critical reasoning. Managerial Ability is what looked like DM, but a little finance heavy. Overall difficultly level is easy to moderate. Some of the questions were jokes, like the RC and the arrangement set was an absolute joke, but some other questions were tricky. 45 mins end up really quickly tho.

Then they take you for the PI in groups again, where your group is taken to a cabin, where a laptop and a person from the panel is sitting. They are listening to everything you say, and are monitoring if everything is being recorded.

The PI part, was again a surprise because I was not expecting it to be this advanced. They have your profile ready w the system and the first question is already asked as soon as another person (who’s accommodating you from the CT to the PI) logs you in. Even the mic is on by default. I fumbled a bit cause I took some time to register this technology in front of me. Another very advanced thing was, how the AI was asking follow up questions to whatever you were saying. For example, I spoke about my dad’s business a bit. And it asked me about how inflation has impacted it and how e-commerce has impacted it. Basically made situation out of everything you were saying. Then it changed trajectory and asked me about India’s performance in the recent world test championship. Really? I rambled on over there. One more thing, was how strong the mic was. It’s catching everything you’re saying very accurately. Even the umms, ands, uhhhs. So initially as soon as you start talking, you can see it typing in the text box, then you can take a few seconds to read and edit it. And then you’re supposed to submit the answer.

The AI bit is for 12 mins. Mine stopped while I was talking and post that the panel person sitting w you in the cabin is going to ask some follow up and additional questions as well. Not too stressful.

The entire process got done in about 3 hours. My tip would be to not have any expectations w the process. Take it easy and have fun and enjoy the swanky building.