Passed AUD, Failed FAR. A bittersweet feeling obviously.

I’m now 3/4 with only FAR remaining. Talk about going up against the final boss. Super happy I passed AUD, but a little bummed about FAR. I knew the exam was hit or miss after leaving the test center, but was hoping for a hit.

My REG and BEC expire June 30, so I need to get this exam passed by then. My motivation is on another level right now.

No official scores have been released for the exams yet, so I’m unsure where to focus my preparation for the retake. If anyone has tips on how they approached their FAR retake (or your approach in general if you passed on the first try), I’d greatly appreciate the advice!

I’m now 3/4 with only FAR remaining. Talk about going up against the final boss. Super happy I passed AUD, but a little bummed about FAR. I knew the exam was hit or miss after leaving the test center, but was hoping for a hit.

My REG and BEC expire June 30, so I need to get this exam passed by then. My motivation is on another level right now.

No official scores have been released for the exams yet, so I’m unsure where to focus my preparation for the retake. If anyone has tips on how they approached their FAR retake (or your approach in general if you passed on the first try), I’d greatly appreciate the advice!