Rags to riches 🥹 +117 points in 3 months

So I’m a little late getting my credit started. I opened a credit card account about 8 years ago back in high school, but was way too irresponsible with it and closed it after a year or two. This year in October I decided to open a new account and was bummed to realize my score was a 642. After a couple months of grinding and paying bills, it shot up to a 703. I was so thrilled… and THEN… someone posted on Reddit about a sort of loophole where your parents can make you an active user on one of their oldest credit card accounts. This would immediately increase the age of your oldest account by a lot (something you’d never be able to do without help) and also raise your credit limit. They also said you would never have to use the older credit card. I recently asked my folks if they would consider helping me out by doing this for me, and this morning I woke up to a very nice surprise… my credit shot up to a 759 overnight! I was basically jumping with joy as it seems my credit is totally back on track!! Just wanted to share this tip in case anybody was in a similar situation and could potentially do the same thing I did.

TLDR: If you have a low credit score due to not having old enough accounts, ask your parent or grandparent to add you as a user on one of their oldest credit card accounts. Your credit score will greatly benefit from your name on an older account. My score went up 56 points overnight! (Experian)