Any wisdom in foregoing car breakdown cover altogether?

The background to this is that I keep a little pot set aside for my breakdown cover, adding around £12 to it each month. I got my RAC renewal quote through and it jumped up to £215 from £155 the year before. The guy on the phone assured me this was because of new technology blah blah blah. I checked their website and they're offering new customers something like £80 for the same level of cover.

Scum tactics aside, it got me thinking. I'm just paying for insurance that I'm not legally required to have, for a breakdown that may or may not happen in a year. If disaster strikes, I'd then call up the RAC and they'd tell me they can probably be there in 4 hours.

Does anyone forego this and just call up a breakdown company direct as and when needed, or is it better to just fish around for breakdown deals each year?

Someone recommended Auto-aid, but I don't know if their service is good. £64 a year though.