More Chris myths that refuse to die.
Despite the existence of things like the CWCKI and the Geno docs, myths about Christory just keep popping up. I made a thread some time ago discussing and debunking some of the common myths that keep popping up. Since then I've noticed a few more that have circulated on this subreddit. It might be a vain effort to combat misinformation, but I've got free time so fuck it: Here's some more myths debunked.
- Bella convinced Chris to fuck Barb- While it does kind of sound like something she'd do, there is absolutely no evidence that this was ever her plan. This was entirely Chris' doing, all Bella did was record the call. She didn't even leak it, that was Fiona.
- Chris excluded trans women from the Lesbian Sleepover- While this ploy to get laid could not be more transparent, a lot of people seem to think Chris singled out trans women and excluded them from the sleepover. Just reading the transcript (or watching the video) would show that Chris doesn't even mention trans women whatsoever. He doesn't mention them as guests but he never said "no trans women".
- Chris wasn't religious until recently- This seems like an attempt to "no true scotsman" Chris out of the Christian community but I'm sorry, he was a believer. He attended church regularly, talked about his faith every now and then, displayed bigotry in keeping with certain branches of Christianity, and even declared the Leonard Bearstein event an act of God. Hypocritical, ignorant and not remotely Christ-like? Sure, but there are loads of people in the world like that who still consider themselves Christian. Now he did drift away and adopt the CPU Goddesses thing until the jail saga. But that's not evidence that he never believed.
- Chris never made any attempt to transition/ never did HRT- I'm really not sure where this one comes from, possibly because Chris never opted for bottom surgery (as if he could ever afford that). But no, Chris not only got on HRT but even OD'd on black market hormones for over a year. Regardless of what you think of Chris' gender identity, it's clear he made an effort to transition.