Alot of the atheists here are more Christ like than Christians here and on other subs

Take a look at the front page here, then take a look at the front page of other subs. Here is mostly support for a message of empathy towards the least of us while many of us that call themselves Christian here and especially on other subs are speaking out against a message of empathy because it came from a woman or because their idols feelings were hurt.

Its clear to me the only thing TrueChristian means is self righteous. Its clear that so many of our atheist friends here have a softer heart than many of us that claim to follow Christ's teachings and its pretty sad.

If you are for the deportation of 10 million of our neighbors you do not know Christ at all and I rebuke you as hard as I can and believe you will be placed on the left of Christ on Judgement day if you do not repent for your treatment of foreigners as thats where those that put this country's laws above Christ's teachings belong.

Leviticus 19:34

The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.

Kristallnacht was mass deportation just like what's being planned if you even know what that is. If you support mass deportation of 10 million people you are no better than those that agreed with what was happening in 1930s Germany. You aren't Nazis because the Nazi party isn't a thing right now and we shouldn't call you that, the correct term is FASCISTS.

Politics is a cancer upon the body of Christ, and we have entered stage 4..