UCS C240 M7, NVMe U.2, and Raid

Hi YouSeeEssers,

So I'm not sure this server has the 24Gb Tri-Mode raid controller. I don't think it has any sort of raid controller at all. When I click "create Raid" in CIMC it says "No Controller has the support of configuring the Virtual Drives. Please attach the proper controllers and try again"

I don't see any storage controllers in CIMC in the inventory. Do they not come with a basic one? My reading says no.

The model is UCS C240 M7SN.

My question is would the tri-mode support U.2 or is it only U.3? What are my options to raid 1 the NVMe U.2 drives? If I put 2x SAS drives in, I still don't think there's a controller in there to do the Raid.

Any thoughts are appreciated.