Biggest nerf in history
What do y'all think is the biggest nerf a card has ever received? Thinking about both how OP the card was beforehand and how bad it got afterwards. The ones that come to mind for me are the Monk elixir increase in 2022 with no compensation, the Royal Recruits elixir increase in 2018 of not one but two, and the barrage of Goblin Machine stat nerfs in 2024. Although this was technically more than one nerf, it was all in the same time period and caused the card to go from possibly more broken than 2022 Phoenix to completely useless. Speaking of Phoenix, though it also went from insanely overpowered to useless, it received multiple nerfs months apart that slowly caused it to die, while Goblin Machine received its nerfs pretty close together, so I am not considering Phoenix. The three nerfs I mentioned(Monk, Royal Recruits, Goblin Machine) were all very big, but I'd say Goblin Machine is the biggest. It and Royal Recruits both became utterly useless, but I feel like Goblin Machine was more overpowered originally and therefore took a bigger nerf. Monk also died overnight, but I don't think it was more overpowered than Royal Recruits or Goblin Machine. What do y'all think? Is there another card I missed that received this big a nerf?