Accidentally Washed Diesel Clothes in Washer! Advice please!

I hate myself right now… My husband was filling his van yesterday at the gas station, it’s diesel. He splashed a bit on his clothes.

Every one of my instincts screamed to throw it out, but it’s an expensive jogger set so I tossed it in the wash. The stain was only on his pant leg and was about the size of a dish sponge. He wore it like that for like 4 hours before he got home (couldn’t make it back before then)…

I used dawn scented beads and tide free and clear pods with cold water to wash the set. Absolutely one of the BIGGEST mistakes of my life, and it’s the last time I’m ever allowing anything gas or diesel stained into my household let alone the washer machine.

Anyway! Everyone, please help. I’ve run 4 cycles since. One with 1 cup baking soda and hot water, second with 2 cups vinegar and hot water, third one 1 cup baking soda again w/ hot water, fourth again 2 cups vinegar and hot water.

I live in an apartment and my machine is a stand up 2-in-1 dryer up top. Dryer is unaffected. I was away today and left the lid open to air out. It’s winter, so windows arent an option and they’re all on the other side of the apartment anyway (machine is futher away in a closet).

This happened last night. As of tonight, the machine smells like a pool. And it’s only when I get close and smell inside of it. If I run it, it smells like a motor shop. I’m incredibly upset, and I have a precious toddler who seems unbothered by the slight lingering smell but I try to keep outside/away (again, winter so outside is not very simple). Please give me some advice, I need this smell gone ASAP… My laundry is also piling up since last night and I’m not used to the excessive clothes :( Any and all advice greatly appreciated!