Dusky conure suddenly picky about food - could it be puberty?
Hey all!
Our dusky conure is turning 2 in April. I’ve noticed the last week or so he doesn’t seem to want his chop in the morning (it’s a mix of veg and bean mix from Denise’s Parrot Place). This is the food he’s had since he was weaned. He is also being picky about his pellets. I feed a mix of roudybush, Harrison’s and a small amount of golden feast, which is also what Denise’s fed him after he was weaned.
He’s never had trouble with food before, and his bloodwork at his annual exam in July was normal. I’m going to phone the vet tomorrow but could this be puberty related? He seems to be picking the seed mix out of his pellets.
I did recently change his food bowl to a metal one, but it’s only because the bowls we normally use that came with his cage he’s figured out how to pull out and flip onto the floor. 😂 and he didn’t have a problem with the metal bowl initially.
I am also going to get a weight on him today - it’s been a while since his scale ran out of batteries and I’ve been busy with seasonal work.
He has a large (20x30x40in) cage and gets at least two hours of play time outside of the cage to exercise or play with all the toys we have around the room for him. I included photos of his setup and himself - don’t worry, we don’t let the Amazon out at the same time, and his out of cage time is supervised so I don’t think he hurt himself.