Woody chicken makes me want to scream

It’s gotten so bad in my area. I don’t really eat red meat or pork, or I would avoid it all together. I would say at this point getting a woody breast is literally 50/50 out here. Even restaurants will throw you a random woody sandwich at times. I completely switched to tenderloins and thought I had found the hack. Nope, now the tenderloins are the same way. Tough and chewy, almost too “chickeny,” usually stringy. At first I was going crazy thinking I was cooking them incorrectly since tenders had never been that way but I hadn’t changed the way I cooked at all, and it was always fine previously. Has anyone found any solace from this? It’s maddening.

Edit: sometimes I actually feel like I’m losing my mind because no one is talking about it and it’s BAD. A major food source just absolutely f*cked and inedible. Thanks for sharing in the pain haha. There’s a lot of great info in the comments from users if anyone searches this up later (and for me of course,) thank you!