Can anyone suggest cyberpunk movies, animes, shows, shorts - film in general which is of the early 80's graphic novel/really gritty Judge Dredd, gangers, almost post-apocalypse feel?

Edit: Nearly a day later - I am very well versed in Cyberpunk, having seen -all- of the big-name suggestions here from the proto CP of Minority Report to Total Recall (...even the remake...), Dredd as well as Judge Dredd, Akira, CP Edgerunners, S1 of Altered Carbon and the Anime... Could've went either way on that...

I've even seen CC-Oedo 808.. I want raw, off the radar suggestions, something that could inspire roleplay or even just setting,

I thank all 80 of you for all the excellent suggestions so far, mainstream, sidestream, off the path, and under the radar. Every suggestion here is fantastic.

Just thought I'd provide some background, as I didn't know I could add-text to a post which didn't initially have any.