Curiosity around communication

This was posted in a seperate community as a poll and I wanted to know about this community too but this community doesn't seem to allow polls so feel free to comment. Or not. 🤷🏾

Going over each poll option (if more than one applies, just pick one [of the options that apply, that is]):

External/Non-Existent:\ So like, no internal communication between dissociative parts at all. Like, it's just you up there or there are others but you just can't reach them or they can't reach you so communication can only take place via written notes or other external methods, if at all.

1Vibes/Innate Knowledge:\ Like, you just get the feeling of things. Like the vibe that another part is present or their emotional response to something. Mental imagery or just a gut feeling that doesn't feel like yours. Or just knowing stuff. Like if you crossed paths with a stranger and just suddenly knew their name or age.

Headspace/2Front Interactions:\ Most, if not all, communication happens between actively aware parts. If they aren't fronting, co-fronting, co-conscious, or otherwise active in the headspace/in or near front, then they cannot be communicated with until they are. For example:\ A is fronting while B is co-conscious. A and B are having a conversation and need C's input, but C isn't in headspace/near front at that moment, so A and B cannot get C's input until C joins them in headspace/front.

3Innerworld Interactions:\ Communicating with parts that aren't actively aware. From what other users across different platforms have described, it would be along the lines of:\ A is fronting while B is co-conscious. A and B are having a conversation and need C's input, but C isn't in headspace/near front at the moment, so B leaves headspace/front to talk to C in the innerworld and then returns to headspace/front and tells A what C had said.

Other/No Answer:\ If communication doesn't fit into any of these or if you just don't want to answer.

Edited for some specifications


1Technically Vibes/Innate Knowledge can fit under the Headspace/Front Interactions category but, for the sake of simplicity, I'll keep them seperate.

2I personally use front as a noun in the same way that headspace is used as a noun with fronting being a verb. So I'm not saying headspace is the same as the action of having executive control, I'm saying that the action of fronting along with the action of being co-conscious would mean you are in (or near) front or in headspace.

3In this context, I'm using headspace and innerworld to refer to two different “spaces” based on the AI generated answer google gave me after I'd typed "DID headspace vs innerworld" into the search bar.\ Headspace being where parts are able to access/be aware of the outside world (fronting, co-fronting, co-conscious, etc.) and the innerworld being where parts go when not accessing/aware of the outside world (when not fronting, co-fronting, co-conscious, etc.).\ Also, know that not every system has a headspace or innerworld and, as far as I'm aware, the two aren't exclusive to complex dissociation so don't stress if you do or don't have one or have one but not the other. And please do not try to force one under the impression of "well everyone else is doing it so I'm supposed to do it too". Speaking from experience, it does more harm than good to force yourself into a mold you don't fit in.