Assessor using assessment process as 'proof' you can do irrelevant tasks?

I was awarded PIP by the DWP before the tribunal stage after scoring 0 points at assessment and MR (so there's hope!)

I'm complaining about my assessment, on the DWP's advice, as it was really unpleasant and the report is wrong and in places downright dishonest. I'm trying to work out if some of the stuff my assessor wrote is exclusive to them or what other assessors write too...

One thing that's incredibly frustrating about the report is that the assessor repeatedly uses the fact I completed the telephone assessment without support and submitted my medical history as 'proof' I can do other completely irrelevant tasks!!

It says '[the assessment process] shows they have adequate concentration / memory to [do a completely unrelated task].'

I don't see how completing lengthy forms (something which was taxing, but which the autistic part of my brain is good at) and talking on the phone for an hour is comparable to e.g. cooking a meal (when my adhd means i really struggle to focus in the kitchen and often burn or cut myself, smash pots, leave appliances on etc.) The two tasks are just not comparable!!

This is repeated several times throughout my report. Is it just my assessor who tried to use the fact I completed the assessment process against me, or is this common practice? Thanks.