What is the deal with Louis???

So i’m almost done with S7, but i can’t help look back and wonder, what the heck was his problem??

Him wanting to use the ITK’s hand to intimidate, him becoming addicted to hookers, videoblogging his Dexter hate speech, trying to sink Dexter’s boat, showing up at Dex’s apartment to “intimidate”, probably just dated Jamie to have an excuse to get near Dex whenever he wanted, etc. But my guy, Dexter just said he didn’t like the game! Of course you’ll get some negative criticism every now and then. Not a big deal. He’s supposed to already have a bit of a career as a game dev, he should be used to this.

But what was the point of that character and storyline? He just got whacked and no one cared, no one wondered what happened to him. Dex was just concerned with WHO did it and WHY on his boat, but didn’t mind Louis’ death. Can’t get this lil bozo out of my head lol.

Not hating on him, he was a fun character to have around, i’m just curious, maybe i missed some subtext or something because he had a big role for a whole season only to be suddenly discarded like that.