Can there be a good ending?
We know how the fandom felt about the Season 8 ending and the NB ending. I myself disliked both, but have defended both simultaneously. I think at their core the endings were Dexter being punished for what he is. In Season 8 he's left alone starved of the human connection he now needs that he didn't need or want before. Refusing to give into his urges as a form of additional self punishment.
In New Blood we see Dexter answer for the sins he committed against Harrison directly. Causing Rita's death, causing Deb's death, abandoning Harrison. These demons have haunted Harrison and are direct result of Dexter's choices. The conclusion was Dexter sacrificing himself to finally answer for his own crimes while giving Harrison the chance to kill his own Dark Passenger which takes the form of Dexter.
Both of these endings are Dexter getting what he hypothetically deserves, and the reality is there are only two endings left they haven't tried. Dexter getting caught or Dexter getting a happy ending.
Now I like both of the original endings in theory but I think they were sloppy and not well written and felt unearned. Audiences had to do a lot of reading between the lines to get what the writers were trying to do.
So is there an ending left that works? Do we think they can actually write an ending regardless of which they choose that leaves us satisfied?
What would you prefer? Happy ending? Death? Jail? A mixture?