Abdominal Pain + Doctor Recommendation?
Since mid-November, I have been having upper abdominal pain (area right below ribcage in center of torso) and I am unsure what kind of doctor I should see to have them check it out. Here are some of the details of my ailment:
- Sharp pain at top of abdomen that seems to ease up when I reposition or stretch. Certain positions hurt worse (leaning forward definitely hurts more).
- Painful when I apply a little bit of pressure to it
- Even at times where it doesn't feel as painful, it doesn't feel like it fully goes away, almost like a presence.
- Breathing feels more labored at times
- Tylenol has helped ease the pain a lot
- Got bloodwork done in late November, most of the numbers seemed good and nothing out of the ordinary.
- Doesn’t seem to be connected to food, not thinking it’s acid reflux or GERD. Pain doesn’t seem to worsen when I eat certain foods. Prescribed an antacid by my PCP and it seems to not have affected anything
- Occassion inflammation around my ribcage
- Got rear-ended a couple months ago (Early September). Nothing too bad to my car, but I was jolted forward (airbags did not go off)
Since I'm leaning muscular/skeletal, would going to an Orthopedist or a Sports Medicine Doctor be the best?