46 [M4F] Nebraska/Online - Please tell me that the cornfields aren’t the only things getting regularly plowed here…
So, I tried this before, left, and I’m back. I know Nebraska isn’t the most populous state, but the people here seem repressed enough that there must be some kinky people somewhere around here. I’m sort of a hermit, so I might not be in the know with such things. Is there a secret cow you need to tip over? a corn maze you need to make a wrong turn in? A rabbit you need to follow down a hole under a tree stump? Mostly I’m just hoping to find some other kinky or sexually adventurous folks to prove to me that I’m not out of my mind. Well, finding such a person wouldn’t prove my sanity, but it’s a start…maybe. Imaginary internet points in the highly unlikely event you’re near Blackstone.