My girlfriend hates my halfling (because she is asian)
We start a new campaign, and I play a charming, silly, and not-so-smart halfling rogue called Peepo. I introduce my character by having him steal some fireworks and fire them off for fun at the festival in session 1, which immediately has my Taiwanese GF ask the GM what that little shit is going - it gets under her skin, because she thinks theft is bad (Taiwan LITERALLY does not have theft).
Over the campaign there were many more instances of my character being himself. He stole some minor things here and there, doesn't immediately listen when you tell him something, and at one point accidentally messes up the stealth section by calling another character by their name audibly which increasingly has her grow resentful of my character.
It came to a head when we were exploring an extremely dangerous area where the GM told us that touching anything is dangerous, and my character touched something (its what he would do) and summoned a balor in an unbeatable encounter, where the wizard had to sacrifice himself to save us. She cried over his death - she really liked him. And then yelled at the halfling in raw rage, calling him worse than useless. I try to explain to her that it's just how he is, a loveable fool who does a little trolling, which full on set her off into a ten minute rant on how selfish he is - and that anyone who likes him is an enabler who can go die to a balor, eventually calling all the races of middle critrole enablers for having the elves give him a gift too for doing adventures for them. I realized at this point that she just didn't like him because she's Taiwanese, and their culture over there is just like that.
It became less a game of the group's and campaigns stories and more a game of "how does the halfling fuck it up this time", but she still said it was her favourite campaign of all time by the end. She also wondered why the wizard didn't slap me.
EDIT: For all of you saying that I'm racist for this, I am definetely not. I literally have a taiwanese girlfriend.