dreamsnaps as a beginner + no moonstones for prem. shop 😫
edit: thank you so much to everyone who’s replied so far!!!! i really appreciate your help 🥰
hey y’all, i hope you’re all doing well!
so i have about 20 hours in game, and im very very new to ddlv. i really want to participate in the dreamsnaps, but as a beginner with not a lot of star coins and items, this has been tricky.
i really want items from the premium shop as i know they’re exclusive, but moonstones are hard to come by 🥲 so i miss out on a lot of items because im super new.
i guess my question is, when did y’all start doing dreamsnaps? was it early on, or did you wait a little to really get into it? also, do premium shop items come back sometimes?
thanks in advance y’all!