What would you change?
I’ve often fantasized about buying the game off of good ole’ Kevin, and implementing my own changes while also keeping it the way it is with just a few tweaks. If you were in Kevin’s shoes, what would you change about the game or add?
For reference Kevin is the creator of the game.
I’ve always thought a clan system where you team up with 10-20 friends and every 30 days (or league period) you have a goal to complete as a team (500q Enlightenment eggs laid in return for 1000 artifacts).
I’ve also thought it would be nice if there were flags or markers you could put next to your name in a coop to signal you either 1) want tokens 2) have tokens to give 3) don’t want to be sent tokens.
I also thought it would’ve been awesome to add another ship that runs on quadrillions of enlightenment eggs and takes 30-60 days to return, but guarantees a legendary at random.
Overall, Kevin’s disregard for late game content annoys me. What would you change or add?